
MongoDB Operator installation, upgrade guide

MongoDB operator is based on the CRD framework of Kubernetes, for more information about the CRD framework please refer to the official documentation. In a nutshell, CRD is a feature through which we can develop our own custom API’s inside Kubernetes.

The API versions for MongoDB Operator available are:-

  • MongoDB
  • MongoDBCluster

MongoDB Operator requires a Kubernetes cluster of version >=1.16.0. If you have just started with the CRD and Operators, its highly recommended using the latest version of Kubernetes.

Setup of MongoDB operator can be easily done by using simple helm and kubectl commands.

Operator Setup by Helm

The setup can be done by using helm. The mongodb-operator can easily get installed using helm commands.

# Add the helm chart
$ helm repo add ot-helm
"ot-helm" has been added to your repositories
# Deploy the MongoDB Operator
$ helm install mongodb-operator ot-helm/mongodb-operator \
  --namespace ot-operators
Release "mongodb-operator" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: mongodb-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Jan  9 23:05:13 2022
NAMESPACE: ot-operators
STATUS: deployed

Once the helm chart is deployed, we can test the status of operator pod by using:

# Testing Operator
$ helm test mongodb-operator --namespace ot-operators
NAME:           mongodb-operator
LAST DEPLOYED:  Sun Jan  9 23:05:13 2022
NAMESPACE:      ot-operators
STATUS:         deployed
REVISION:       1
TEST SUITE:     mongodb-operator-test-connection
Last Started:   Sun Jan  9 23:05:54 2022
Last Completed: Sun Jan  9 23:06:01 2022
Phase:          Succeeded

Verify the deployment of MongoDB Operator using kubectl command.

# List the pod and status of mongodb-operator
$ kubectl get pods -n ot-operators -l name=mongodb-operator
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mongodb-operator-fc88b45b5-8rmtj   1/1     Running   0          21d

Operator Setup by Kubectl

In any case using helm chart is not a possiblity, the MongoDB operator can be installed by kubectl commands as well.

As a first step, we need to setup a namespace and then deploy the CRD definitions inside Kubernetes.

# Setup of CRDs
$ kubectl create namespace ot-operators
$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl apply -f

Once we have namespace in the place, we need to setup the RBAC related stuff like:- ClusterRoleBindings, ClusterRole, Serviceaccount.

# Setup of RBAC account
$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl apply -f

As last part of the setup, now we can deploy the MongoDB Operator as deployment of Kubernetes.

# Deployment for MongoDB Operator
$ kubectl apply -f

Verify the deployment of MongoDB Operator using kubectl command.

# List the pod and status of mongodb-operator
$ kubectl get pods -n ot-operators -l name=mongodb-operator
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mongodb-operator-fc88b45b5-8rmtj   1/1     Running   0          21d
Last modified March 1, 2022: Fixed typo mistakes in docs (#49) (f91b47a)