MongoDB Replicated Cluster

MongoDB replicated cluster configuration for CRD and helm chart

MongoDB cluster configuration is easily customizable using helm as well kubectl. Since all the configurations are in the form YAML file, it can be easily changed and customized.

The values.yaml file for MongoDB cluster setup can be found here. But if the setup is not done using Helm, in that case Kubernetes manifests needs to be customized.

Parameters for Helm Chart

Name Value Description
clusterSize 3 Size of the MongoDB cluster Name of the MongoDB image
image.tag v5.0 Tag for the MongoDB image
image.imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent Image Pull Policy of the MongoDB
image.pullSecret "" Image Pull Secret for private registry
resources {} Request and limits for MongoDB statefulset
storage.enabled true Storage is enabled for MongoDB or not
storage.accessModes [“ReadWriteOnce”] AccessMode for storage provider
storage.storageSize 1Gi Size of storage for MongoDB
storage.storageClass gp2 Name of the storageClass to create storage
mongoDBMonitoring.enabled true MongoDB exporter should be deployed or not bitnami/mongodb-exporter Name of the MongoDB exporter image
mongoDBMonitoring.image.tag 0.11.2-debian-10-r382 Tag of the MongoDB exporter image
mongoDBMonitoring.image.imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent Image Pull Policy of the MongoDB exporter image
serviceMonitor.enabled false Servicemonitor to monitor MongoDB with Prometheus
serviceMonitor.interval 30s Interval at which metrics should be scraped.
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout 10s Timeout after which the scrape is ended
serviceMonitor.namespace monitoring Namespace in which Prometheus operator is running
nodeSelector {} Nodeselector for the MongoDB statefulset
priorityClassName "" Priority class name for the MongoDB statefulset
affinity {} Affinity for node and pods for MongoDB statefulset
tolerations [] Tolerations for MongoDB statefulset
securityContext {} Security Context for MongoDB pod like:- fsGroup

Parameters for CRD Object Definition

These are the parameters that are currently supported by the MongoDB operator for the cluster MongoDB database setup:-

  • clusterSize
  • kubernetesConfig
  • storage
  • mongoDBSecurity
  • mongoDBMonitoring


clusterSize is the size of MongoDB replicated cluster. We have to provide the number of node count that we want to make part of MongoDB cluster. For example:- 1 primary and 2 secondary is 3 as pod count.

  clusterSize: 3


kubernetesConfig is the general configuration paramater for MongoDB CRD in which we are defining the Kubernetes related configuration details like- image, tag, imagePullPolicy, and resources.

    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        cpu: 1
        memory: 8Gi
        cpu: 1
        memory: 8Gi
    imagePullSecret: regcred

NodeSelector:- nodeSelector is the simplest recommended form of node selection constraint. nodeSelector is a field of PodSpec. It specifies a map of key-value pairs.

    nodeSelector: linux

Affinity:- The affinity/anti-affinity feature, greatly expands the types of constraints you can express. The affinity/anti-affinity language is more expressive. The language offers more matching rules besides exact matches created with a logical AND operation.

            - matchExpressions:
                - key:
                  operator: In
                    - linux

PriorityClassName:- A PriorityClass is a non-namespaced object that defines a mapping from a priority class name to the integer value of the priority. The name is specified in the name field of the PriorityClass object’s metadata. The value is specified in the required value field.

    priorityClassName: system-node-critical

Tolerations:- Tolerations are applied to pods, and allow (but do not require) the pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints.

      - key: "example-key"
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"

SecurityContext:- A security context defines privilege and access control settings for a Pod or Container. The security settings that you specify for a Pod apply to all Containers in the Pod.

      fsGroup: 1001


storage is the storage specific configuration for MongoDB CRD. With this parameter we can make enable persistence inside the MongoDB statefulset. In this parameter, we will provide inputs like- accessModes, size of the storage, and storageClass.

    accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
    storageSize: 1Gi
    storageClass: csi-cephfs-sc


mongoDBSecurity is the security specification for MongoDB CRD. If we want to enable our MongoDB database authenticated, in that case, we can enable this configuration. To enable the authentication we need to provide paramaters like- admin username, secret reference in Kubernetes.

    mongoDBAdminUser: admin
      name: mongodb-secret
      key: password


mongoDBMonitoring is the monitoring feature for MongoDB CRD. By using this parameter we can enable the MongoDB monitoring using MongoDB Exporter. In this parameter, we need to provide image, imagePullPolicy and resources for mongodb exporter.

    enableExporter: true
    image: bitnami/mongodb-exporter:0.11.2-debian-10-r382
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    resources: {}